Hello PBFS Community!
Plant Based Food Share is excited to announce we are launching a Fall Harvest Impact Campaign! From August until the Autumnal Equinox (September 22, 2022) we are driving awareness of food justice issues we face in King County as we enter the fall and winter and how you can have an impact on ensuring our neighbors are fed throughout the fall and winter. As we drive awareness to the issue and what we are doing at Plant Based Food Share to bring justice to communities that have experience fresh food apartheid for too long.
We hope to use these 6 weeks to accomplish:
Grow our following across social, email, and website
Share information about food justice, our impact, and fall themed plant-based recipes, tips, and more.
If we can accomplish our goals for this campaign, we will be able to increase and scale our impact in our community, stabilize our operations through the fall and winter, and focus on connecting our community to resources to grow, utilize, share, consume, nourishing plants and plant-based foods.
Donate, sign up to volunteer, share our blog or social posts, tag us in a post about your favorite fall food! #FallHarvestPBFS
We hope you will be a part of our impact campaign.
With Gratitude,
Ariel Bangs